all postcodes in GU46 / YATELEY

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU46 7AB 2 1 51.339694 -0.817267
GU46 7AD 26 0 51.339464 -0.81594
GU46 7GA 15 0 51.341487 -0.828436
GU46 7HG 6 0 51.341716 -0.829708
GU46 7LR 10 7 51.341947 -0.828524
GU46 7LS 14 1 51.340631 -0.828228
GU46 7PN 1 0 51.347049 -0.842495
GU46 7PW 30 0 51.347834 -0.842748
GU46 7PZ 12 0 51.346949 -0.845096
GU46 7QN 5 0 51.343256 -0.830903
GU46 7QP 38 0 51.346822 -0.84319
GU46 7QR 6 0 51.345571 -0.831261
GU46 7QS 6 0 51.342959 -0.831669
GU46 7QT 13 0 51.344241 -0.836808
GU46 7QU 12 0 51.344164 -0.839954
GU46 7QX 23 0 51.345288 -0.839883
GU46 7QY 25 0 51.345887 -0.839595
GU46 7QZ 4 0 51.347084 -0.840538
GU46 7RA 11 0 51.346623 -0.840366
GU46 7RB 12 0 51.347432 -0.841193